Friday, February 8, 2013

In the near future 2015

Whoa this is heavy Doc!
Hoverboards are finally releasing full-scale replicas of the futuristic, floating hoverboards used by Michael J. Fox.  No do'nt expect to see a Pitbull just yet.  But maybe one day!  For now, I'll be waiting for the bright pink striped toys  I've fantasized about since 1989's Back to the Future, promised them by 2015.
But don't get your self-lacing Nike MAG kicks in a knot just yet (you can get the shoes now for a bargan more on that later, these bad boys light up, yet Nina has a few pairs that do that already so, thats going on ,my Meh list)anyways, Mattel issued a bit of a disclaimer with the boards, saying they don't work on water and that, in fact, they don't actually "hover."  But still....

back to the future

It does make “whoosing” sounds, if that is any consolation.

If you’re looking for the perfect gift to get for me.  Preorders will begin March 1st through March 20th for a delivery before they hit stores.
Or you could invent a time machine…