Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Lonely Boy seen arm in arm with our own Slim Shaddy!!
Are they having secret rendezvous while Slim Shaddy is supposed to be at work and we know Lonely boy must be lonely now that he is single, or is Slim Shaddy just using him til she finds her next conquest?

Either way love seems to be in the air!
They do make a stunning couple if I do say so myself


This is warming me up!! Yummz!!!

MMMMMMMM, this makes me Bronze, Pink AND BLUE!!

My favorite Tutors star Henry Cavill has been cast as the new Superman.
He can rescue me and time he wants!!!!

He is quite a SuperMAN look at those cheek bones, even mine aren't as sexy as those, but ALMOST!!!

I wonder who is going to play Lois Lane? Maybe ASPEN can get me an audition!!! Get right on top of that A!!! Im ready for my close up!

The Great White Winter 2011 Edition

I am soooooo over this weather!
Im mean DUH..Look at me, you can't even see any of my sexy body!

Anyway, it's Groundhog Day... again... and that must mean that we're up here at Gobbler's Knob waiting for the forecast from the world's most famous groundhog weatherman, Punxsutawney Phil, who's just about to tell us how much more winter we can expect.