Tuesday, April 17, 2012

little people big world

I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's
children, because I don't think children should be having sex.

I might dye.....

I'm so bored, and my boss is totally going to walk through that that door at 515 with a whole to do list for me.  Oh the humanity.

By the way Slim Shaddy would like to take a moment and thank Miss Miller for being such a supportive follower, the rest of you can suck it.

Oye I love my Pizzano, but

I love my Frankenstein, but sometimes having a BF is a little on the annoying side. Do we really need to talk on the phone, sometimes we can just talk and not talk for hours and hours... yet other times I just want to get off the phone so I can hang out with my DVR. Is that too much for Slim to ask, we all know I need time to Shaddy around. Geez step off George, step off!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Chloe out, Sam in??

Rumor has it, that slim shaddy is getting a new pet today. Let's hope he's exactly like my friend, Rusty and not like, Chloe the cat, that lil' Biatch!